Title: | Decorative flooring "Stone carpet" |
Activities: | Outdoor and indoor spaces |
InfraSTONECARPET is a decorative jointless flooring of stone aggregates with a binder - epoxy resin. The system is three-layer, the thickness varies from 10 mm to 30 mm, depending on the base and the load to which it will be exposed, as well as the size of the stone aggregates. It is suitable for medium and heavily loaded public areas with pedestrian and car traffic.
Excellent adhesion to various substrates
Holds daily dusting and facilitates cleaning and maintenance
Chemical resistance
High wear resistance
Environmentally friendly and harmless
Comfortable and aesthetic
Quick installation
Pedestrian alleys, vertical planning
Approaches for garages and parking lots
Car showrooms
Internal and external stairs and corridors
Spaces around pools
Baths and SPA centers
Atriums, open and covered terraces
Lobby and reception
Shops, studios, salons
Graphic design in the interior and exterior